Free Up Disk Space on MacOS
Ignoring system caches, and logs in general for safety.
Brew’s Cache #
brew cleanup --prune=all -s
brew cleanup
Remove stale lock files and outdated downloads for all formulae and casks, and remove old versions of installed formulae--prune=all
removes everything (not up only a specified age, otherwise set by the env varHOMEBREW_CLEANUP_MAX_AGE_DAYS
: Scrub the cache, including downloads for even the latest versions. Note that downloads forany installed formulae or casks will still not be deleted--dry-run
can be used to see what would be removed
The ~/Library/Caches/
Folder #
Though one could be brutal and wipe the entire folder
sudo rm -rfv ~/Library/Caches/
It may have unintended consequences, it’s better to only delete the larger folders/files, i.e.,
sudo du -sm ~/Library/Caches/* 2> /dev/null | sort -n
Will list the folders in the directory sorted by size in MBs.
Xcode Cache Data #
To delete the derived data
rm -r ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*/
For cached files
rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Caches/dyld/*/*/
xcrun simctl delete unavailable
Flush the DNS cache #
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache && sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder
CUPS Printer Job Cache #
To delete your printer job cache
rm /var/spool/cups/cache/job.cache*
QuickLook Thumbnail #
Using the QuickLook Server debug and management tool
qlmanage -r cache
resets Quick Look Server and all Quick Look client’s generator cache- For more a more in-depth guide on cleaning QuickLooks and how it can leak encrypted data